Our products are made from the finest quality natural ingredients sourced directly from our partner farmers in various regions. Additionally, our products are formulated and produced by certified specialists, ensuring that we only create items of the highest quality.

The most recommended first cleanser or stage 1 cleanser at night for all types and conditions of skin, including those sensitive to certain natural ingredients. Besides the high-quality certified organic oils used as raw materials, this cleanser contains key ingredients extracted from castor plants, sunflowers, nyamplung, macadamia, Mediterranean kesumba, with a natural scent blend of kaffir lime and lavender essential oils.

Made from 100% natural raw materials with key ingredients such as distilled water from organic roses in Ciomas, Bogor, aloe vera juice, cucumber extract, lactic acid, and notably, biodegradable surfactants. Use it at night with a damp cotton pad, similar to the way you'd use micellar water, until impurities or dirt are lifted. Then, proceed by washing your face with a facial cleanser

Containing 100% natural composition with key ingredients such as sunflower seed extract, olivem, organic vegetable glycerin, and a hint of fragrance from lavender essential oil. A healthy and secure skin barrier begins with a healthy cleanser or cleanser that is safe

The Chamomile Cleansing Gel is a 100% natural face wash with key ingredients such as Roman chamomile flowers, which help alleviate skin irritation and redness. It also contains lemon extract, mallow extract, acacia, grape seed, lemon seed, cluster bean, aloe vera, and organic palmarosa. This cleanser cleanses and strengthens the skin barrier. It has a natural scent with subtle hints of citrus, though not overpowering.

Sabun cuci muka dengan komposisi sederhana, ringan, lembut untuk jenis kulit dan kondisi kulit apapun, termasuk kulit yang sedang iritasi. Bahan baku 100% natural dengan key ingredients air suling mawar Ciomas Bogor, jus lidah buaya, atsiri dari jeruk, dan vegetable glycerine.

Bahan baku alami 100% dengan key ingredients air destilasi kenanga yang sering jadi skincare-nya para puteri keraton sejak zaman kerajaan, ekstrak chamaenerion, dan bunga kamelia. Diperkaya Saccharide isomerate yang merupakan komplek karbohidrat turunan tumbuhan yang mirip dengan lapisan kulit. Bahan ini terkenal karena kemampuannya mengikat sel kulit dengan memberikan hidrasi untuk jangka waktu yang lebih lama.

An organic serum formulated with plant-based ingredients, harnessing the super plant Ginkgo biloba that contains the flavonoid quercetin. This serum can combat and neutralize free radicals trapped in the skin, a primary cause of early signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles. Its antioxidants can also prevent the adverse effects of UV rays on the skin layers. Ginkgo biloba contains numerous beneficial compounds for the skin.

The key ingredients in this organic face oil for acne-prone skin include tea seed oil, organic avocado oil, neem seed oil, palmarosa oil, and geranium oil. Both variants of this face oil are beneficial for combating UV rays/free radicals, strengthening the skin barrier, reducing inflammation associated with acne by regulating sebum production slightly, containing active anti-irritants, moisturizing the skin, smoothing the skin's surface layer, and 'locking in' the nutrients of other skincare products to prevent them from evaporating easily from the skin.

A moisturizer or night cream containing 100% natural raw materials with the key ingredient Kakadu plum, an indigenous Australian fruit with one of the highest concentrations of vitamin C in the world, known for brightening any skin tone. Enriched with rice bran extract, night-blooming jasmine, aloe vera, chamomile hydrosol, moringa seeds, vitamin C, and kefir, this moisturizer is rich in antioxidants, combating premature aging, regenerating skin cells for a healthy complexion, and preventing inflamed acne while reducing symptoms of eczema.

Eye serum alami 100% ini adalah hidrosol mentimun untuk efek menenangkan kulit dengan key ingredients oil coklat sebagai antioksidan utama, caffeine kopi yang bermanfaat untuk mengencangkan lapisan permukaan kulit, asam hialuronat untuk hidrasi maksimal sehingga sel kulit beregenerasi dengan baik, serta ekstrak akasia dan tak ketinggalan, bahan baku mewah yang hanya ada pada high end brand skincare natural atau organik; tocopherol.

Body Scrub berbahan alami yaitu Sugar cane, Ground coffee, Cocoa powder, Ground cinnamon, Cocoa butter, Sunflower seed oil, dan Saponified coconut oil. Cocok digunakan mulai dari anak kecil hingga dewasa, aman bagi ibu hamil dan menyusui, aman bagi yang memiliki penyakit kulit seperti eksim, psoriasis, prurigo, autoimun, dll.

Hair oil yang berbahan alami sehingga aman bagi kulit sensitif dengan bahan baku Capsicum annuum oil, Virgin coconut oil, Moroccan argania spinosa L. oil, Cymbopogon flexuosus oil, dan dl-Alpha tochoperol.

Sabun dengan bahan natural organik yaitu Palm oil, Coconut oil, Soybean oil, Olive oil, NaOH, Himalayan salt, Dead sea mud, dan Natural essential oil blend. Aman untuk dipakai semua usia mulai bayi hingga dewasa, serta aman untuk ibu hamil dan menyusui.

Loofah tanpa pestisida atau gambas yang terbuat dari sayur oyong yang dikeringkan ini berfungsi sebagai pengganti spons mandi ataupun alat scrub badan saat mandi atau luluran. Berbahan alami sehingga aman bagi lingkungan dan mudah terurai. Bermanfaat untuk mengangkat kotoran hingga sel kulit mati saat mandi menggunakan sabun mandi ataupun body scrub. Dapat pula digunakan sebagai spons cuci piring, pakaian, dll.

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